Exceed Hormone Specialists. Middle aged caucasian couple enjoying a healthy meal.

Supplements & Products

Here are a few of our recommended Products and Supplements. We feel these will help optimize your vitality while maximizing your healthspan.

We only endorse things we’ve personally used or come highly recommended by trusted peers. If you click on the links we have listed on this website and end up purchasing a product, please be aware that in some cases, we will receive an affiliate commission. There is no extra charge to you, the customer.

Immune Support & More

Pure Encapsulations Zinc (30 mg)

Promotes a healthy immune system, prostate health, and acts as a metabolism booster.

Omega-3 Fish Oil with EPA & DHA

Sleep Support


Supports mood and rest.

Sleep Optimizer

Natural supplement to promote sleep.

Magnesium BiGlycinate

Promotes sleep.

Cognitive Support

Pure Encapsulations Same |


Brain Health with Magtein (Magnesium L-Threonate), for Brain Health, & Memory Support

LIFE Extension CoQ10

Good co-vitamin to take with statins. Promotes healthy cell growth and maintenance.

Aurora Lightpad

Great for dreary days.


O.N.E Multivitamin


Broad Spectrum B Vitamin Support for Genetic Expression and Cellular Function


Better absorbed

Vitamin D3

Very absorbable Vitamin D supplement. We recommend 5000 iU per day. Helps with energy and maintain healthy bones.

Power Iron

An iron supplement alternative with spirulina- helps with blood building.

Feosal Bifera

Gentle on your stomach. Make sure to drink plenty of water to help with digestive issues.

Super K

Co-vitamin for vitamin D3- Helps prevent toxicity from vitamin D3. Promotes healthy calcium balance and supports vascular and bone health.

Muscle Recovery

Theracurmin HP

Digestive Support

Women’s Probiotic

Promotes gut health. We often recommend 25 billion CFUs.

Breast Tenderness

Evening Primrose Oil

Combats breast tenderness and nipple sensitivity; provides menstrual comfort support


Helps promote healthy estrogen metabolism in the body.

Sexual Support


Unscented, flavorless, fragrance-free silicone lubricant. It is cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, with no alcohol, no parabens.

Hair Growth


Promotes hair health.

DHT Blocker

A DHT blocker blocks the androgen effects of testosterone. It promotes hair growth on the scalp while preventing hair growth elsewhere. It can also help with acne.

Stress Support

Cortisol Manager

Cortisol Calm

Cortisol is the stress hormone in the brain that helps manage anxiety and the fight-or-flight instinct. This supplement can help with mood, stress, and sleep.

HPA Adapt